The OM Shoppe & Spa - Stop Smoking with Hypnosis
The OM Shoppe & Spa - Stop Smoking with Hypnosis

Stop Smoking Now with Hypnosis

Stop Smoking Now with Hypnosis Sessions

Three Session Stop Smoking Series

Are You Ready To Kick Those Butts?

Are you tired of your addiction? Have cigarettes been a part of your life long enough?

Maybe you feel like cigarettes help you relax or focus your mind. But what they really do is poison your body and steal your hard earned money.

Are you ready to say “ENOUGH!” and take back your power and your health?

Maybe you’re wondering why logic and willpower alone are not working for you. The truth is you’re not only addicted to the nicotine but to the behavioral habits as well.

Hypnosis works to tackle your behavior and help your body be more comfortable as you detoxify.

Sure there are lots of products to help you quit and maybe you have tried some like the patch, e-cigarettes or even dangerous prescription drugs. Do you really want to exchange one poisonous chemical for another?

You can join the thousands of others who have permanently quit smoking using the power of your subconscious mind and hypnosis.

This is a safe, simple and successful way to quite smoking, and kick those butts to the curb once and for all. Stop smoking now before it’s too late and permanent health damage is done.

You are ready to stop smoking now! Hypnosis studies indicate that you will experience a 90.6% success rate.

Hypnosis is the smart choice for permanent change.

The truth is hypnosis is 3 times as effective as the patch and 15 times more effective as willpower alone.

Big tobacco has taken your money and health long enough. It’s time to take back your power and health.

As a clinical hypnotherapist I witness firsthand the powerful effects of hypnosis daily. You can begin today to experience the same success as these clients have. Your body truly wants to heal itself and you – within 2 to 5 years of quitting your stroke risk returns to that of a nonsmoker.

Don’t become another tobacco statistic! What is your motivation? Children, loved ones, the embarrassment or your very own precious health?

What Should I Expect?

Our Stop Smoking Protocol is designed to help you step down and create this long lasting change for yourself. Our Stop Smoking Program consists of 3 one-on-one in person Hypnotherapy Sessions to get underneath the causes of your addiction.

We also offer a single 2 hour single session to kick start your subconscious mind to support your decision. Although we recommend a package as change is a process not an event, a single session is still a powerful way to stop smoking now. You can always add on more sessions as needed. 

You also receive ongoing email support and a recording to listen to for at home self hypnosis in between appointments and post sessions. 

Book Now!